Thursday, May 29, 2014

Law of Attraction

As I've said in my past few postings, it's been a tough few weeks. Every since I let go of what was keeping me down, I've felt so light and full of gratitude. Today is different; today I feel one with the universe. Let me describe the feeling. Each step I take seems to be grounded and and connected energy wise with the earth; my belly feels like it is full of sunshine which is emanating from my legs, arms, and creating happiness within; my heart is full of love, compassion, and gratitude and my mind is clear. What an amazing feeling!

I accredit this to a simple rule: The Laws of Attraction. The law of attraction is simple: we attract what we think about, good or bad. Because I let go of what was dragging me down, I'm attracting goodness from the universe. Ok, this might sound totally crazy but it works. Ever since I read The Secret, it changed my life.  The universe is an abundance of goodness to have from the universe; all you have to do is ask for it. You can ask for it daily and it can manifest. It might take days, weeks, or even years, but it happens. I'm getting ahead of myself...sorry. So let's look at the Laws of Attraction:

1. You attract good and bad experiences based on your thoughts.  I've said this before, you think positive, good things happen. If you think negative bad things happen. Lately I have a friend who had a bad streak of luck. She's been thinking negatively daily. I told her to think of one positive thing about her life and keep that thought throughout the day. She did and good things started happening. My daughter got laid off but she refuses to be negative about it. Focusing on the positives she has had interviews and is doing great things. She'll have a job soon. I know it.

2. Thinking about something means you invite it. So if you want money, think about it, it'll happen. When I started using the Laws of Attraction I was getting tons and tons of bills in the mail. After I put it out there I didn't want anymore bills in the mail, it stopped. Think positive thoughts and positive things happen. Manifest them.

3. The more you focus on something, the more powerful it becomes. There are things I've been manifesting for two years. I can feel them becoming stronger. It'll happen.

4. It's better to trust your emotions than over think a decision.  This goes back to what my friend Deborah tells me, "Go with your gut." When you go with your gut, it is the right decision. Don't base your decisions on thinking because it can be wrong. Taking a job because the money is good doesn't mean it's the right one.

5. You can me good things happen more if you think of them often. In the book, The Secret, they tell you to create a Vision Board. I did this and it was so much fun. I look at my vision board every day and ponder upon the goodness it will bring me.

6. To make a change, you've got to see things as you want them to be, not as they are. Stephen Covey says, "Begin with an end in mind." So if you want the perfect job, think about what it would be, see yourself in that job (constantly), and it'll happen.

7. You can increase your magnetic power by devoting time to powerful thinking each day. I meditate twice a day to not only calm my mind by increase my magnetic power to the earth. By thinking of your goals and keeping them in the forefront of your mind, good things happen.

8. Success isn't a finite resource; everyone can have it. By attracting abundance to yourself, you can have the success that others have too.

9. Don't allow yourself to wallow in disappointment. Ok, have your moment, but let it go! If you allow it to last a long time, you'll never get anyway. Never feel sorry for yourself; see the opportunity. I used to wallow in self pity because of being sick. Once I changed the way I think, I started feeling better, and I've not been sick for four years.

10. Avoid television shows which deal with negative experiences and illness. This not only causes stress but can really interfere with your goodness and happiness. I don't watch anything which I know will make me feel sad, angry, depressed, etc.

11. Know when your relationship with people are bad because you made them that way. Again, if you feel like crap, you attract crap. When I was really sick I became friends which someone who was extremely detrimental. She was nasty and even made me feel worse than I was. Once I started making the change, I sent her love and light and let her go. Attract people who you want, who are like you, and embrace their friendship.

12. Don't worry about what you're dreaming; instead use your dreams as a guide. Yes we have bad dreams but don't use them as an omen but as a guide to what can happen if you don't change.


Here are some books to help you be your very best and manifest greatness.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne -

The Law of Attraction: The Basic Teachings of Abraham by Esther Hicks -

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