Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hair Care, Body Wash and Organics

 Lately I've been looking at not just what I put inside my body but on my body. What do we use? Shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body soap, face wash, moisturizer, make up to start. I'm sure there's more but you get the idea. Can we find things to use which are organic and not have words we can't pronounce? Yes we can but you (yet again) have to be picky on where you shop.

If you have the time to do research, the company I found to be THE BEST when it comes to all the above products is called NYR Organics. I love them so much I decided to become a consultant. Everything they have is organic. The company is out of the UK where their organics laws are tough and not so lame as we have here by the FDA. Their prices are reasonable too. The cool thing about this company is they tell you what is being used and the percentage of organics in it. They even have make up but you all know I don't wear make up so I can't really comment on how good it is. However, I do have a friend who does use their make up and says it is really good. My go to for their face items is their Frankincense line. It smells good and it feels good on you face. Their body wash, shampoo, etc. is top notch. I haven't really found anything I didn't like. It's pleasing to the nose and feels nice on the skin. Check it out if you like (https://us.nyrorganic.com/shop/CindyBeers/).

Now if you're one of those folks who only shops for things when you run out (I confess I do that too), you can always head over to Ulta, Sephora, or Target. There's a company called Organix that has a line of hair care products which seem nice. In looking through Amazon and Target, the hair care line ranges from three to five stars. As far as body wash, Jasons is always a great go to. They also offer lotions and more. Burts Bees has a line of body items and make up which looks nice too. But be wise; some of those items still have the chemicals in it which we can't pronounce.

One thing I started being a bit picky on is soap. I like to know what's in my soap. I do use Jasons in my shower but when I like a good soaking bath, I want a bar soap. I found my girlfriend Tara makes a mean soap. Everything she uses is all natural and smells like heaven.  Tara takes the time and tests everything she uses in her soaps and creates magic that feels nice on the skin. Take a peak at her (https://www.facebook.com/TarasSoaps) and her amazingness.

Body lotion is so common for all of us; especially as we get older. Personally I stopped using all store bought body lotions and I make my own. It's so easy and the ingredients are right in your kitchen. Let me introduce you to my secret...olive oil. I mix olive oil and grapeseed oil together with a little essential oil and boom! I'm good. I normally use lavender because lavender is an anti itch agent if you have itchy dry skin. You can also use coconut oil. Put it in a bowl and whip it with your mixer. Add a couple vitamin E oil out of the capsules and you got some amazing lotion. You can use it on your eyes too for wrinkles. Who knew!?

So you can go organic and not break the bank. Like food, we need to look at what we put on our body. There are tons of recipes on Pinterest if you want to make your own items and even enjoy making it and using it.

My next task is finding a way to color my hair without chemicals! More on that soon.

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