So how do you get positive? Simple, just change the way you think. It's not easy. I'll give you an example. This past month I was enrolled in doing some teacher training for yoga. From the beginning there were communication issues that were extremely frustrating to the point of me getting very angry. At this point my life it takes a lot to get me angry. However, this place achieved it. So being a positive thinker as I am, I approach this matter in a positive way; which to me worked out for the best. The overall outcome of the story is a good one. I dropped this training; However, I spoke with the owner and the general manager in hopes that they would realize that accountability and communication is important for not only students but the instructors. As for me, the positive outcome is working together with my great friend Mary, who is the best in yoga that I've ever seen, but achieving my goal. So you see here everything worked out. AND I am happy and continuously positive.
Back in the 70s and 80s, rev. Robert Schuller wrote a book on the Power of Positive Thinking. No one ever heard of positive thinking before however it has come to the forefront of our daily lives. Like I said this idea of positive thinking isn't easy. There are some out there who live their lives being negative and thrive on that negativity. I for one know what's some who enjoy this way of life. Blaming others, refusing to take accountability, seen the errors and others, etc. is not my way of thinking. A week ago a friend of mine got shorted on her paycheck by one day. She was furious! Wow I would be upset myself, My response to her was, "at least you have a paycheck to pay your bills." So you see, by turning it around makes the individual realize they should be grateful for having money in the bank. People make mistakes; some of which are the smartest in the world, but we seem to overcome them and persevere.
According to the Mayo Clinic, positive thinking has extremely awesome Health benefits.
Health benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
- Increased life span
- Lower rates of depression
- Lower levels of distress
- Greater resistance to the common cold
- Better psychological and physical well-being
- Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
- Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
I can attest that this is correct. Once I changed my way of thinking, depression faded away. I haven't had a cold since 2009. Dealing with stress now is a little bit easier because of positive thinking. You can see, in the world, we need to make some major changes. Positive thinking not only brings you A healthier lifestyle, but sends positive vibrations into the world which can create peace. In the book The Secret, Rhonda Byrne talks about the power of positive thinking also. When you want to achieve certain things like a job, money, Love, you think on a positive mental attitude getting all these things to the universe and you can achieve them. No one is to blame for the way you think other than you. Why not think positive? You'll be so much happier in life will have so much more meaning.
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