I'll confess I am a workaholic. As much as I try not to be, somehow I tend to try to fill up my day. I work part time for two colleges teaching online and I teach yoga here at my house and at a local military base. So I'm busy till I hit the bed. It feels good but lately I feel worn out.
Last week my friend Anne Marie is an angel reader. She's pretty awesome and if you've never had an angel reading before, do it. She does face to face and over the phone. Her number is (717) 777-1536. Anyway when I sat down for my reading, she said all the angels in the room were yelling to tell me to slow down. Since then I've decided to scale back, focus on my blog and take the summer off with my home yoga classes. Easier said than done. I love all my clients. They're family. So it's hard to tell them I want to take the summer off, but I will. There are a couple I'll do here and there but nothing scheduled. Ok, got that figured out...maybe. I'll keep you updated.
I was taking a certification course which abruptly came to an end today (due to issues on their end) so that opens up more space on my calendar. So since 3:00pm I've been sitting here wondering what the hell am I going to do?
For starters, like the title says, learn to exhale. Because I am the battery bunny here, I need to stop, take a breath, and learn how to relax. My friend, author Priscilla Warner wrote a book about Learning to Breathe. She had chronic anxiety attacks from a crazy life. Once she slowed down, she embraced meditation and her religion of Judaism. Growing up she wasn't very religious but when she embraced it as she got older, she found that coupled with the meditation she found peace.
I know peace and I've experienced it. How in the world do we drift away from it and fill up our days. So I'm putting together a list of things I want to accomplish for the summer. First, meditate for peace and happiness. Sharon Saltzburg has a great book on Happiness you should check out. Second, get my hands dirty in my flower gardens. I'm also going to try my hands at an herb garden. Lastly I found the state camp grounds have cabins. Maybe I'll rent one for a week and go for the peace and hiking. Most of all I want to spend time with my friend and family who I love and cherish.
I'm listening to my angels and my guardian angels. Deep breath in...cleansing breath out.
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