Friday, April 4, 2014


As I said yesterday, I have IBS. Irritable Bowel syndrome comes in many forms. You can have constipation with severe cramps or diarrhea with cramps. I have the later (lucky me!). In doing research for my upcoming book, Warm & Squishy, I did research on this. As I stated before, doctors today are so quick to hand out a pill to fix this; but it's more than that. Being the geek that I am, I decided to be my own guinea pig. First I had a poop test done by local Naturalpath Jessica Shoemaker (awesome chick). The test can actually be purchased online without a doctor ( With me, I had a huge deposit of yeast (candida) within my body. With this information I had to make changes to the way I eat to keep my yeast levels low so the IBS doesn't rear it's ugly head. Renew Life is a great company that focuses on digestive issues ( The first thing I did was a cleanse. Renew Life has a cleanse called a CandiGone. Now when I say cleanse, don't freak out. It's not what you think. You put a tincture of herbs in water and take two capsules and modify your diet with low sugar (natural and refined) and low acid foods. It isn't tough. You do this for two weeks. You eat but differently. After I did this my life totally changed. Grant it, my IBS isn't cured but it's slowed down quite a bit and I can have a life without worrying about poop running down my leg.

Along with doing my research on IBS I found the ONLY doctor who's practice is on treating people with IBS. Stephen Wangan of the IBS Treatment Center in Seattle and Santa Monica. He treats IBS with diet along with vitamins and supplements. He wrote a great book also called the IBS Solution. It's an ebook so you can download it. He's a wealth of knowledge and an IBS sufferer too. So I suggest checking him out (

I also looked into the adult diaper industry. One thing I learned is the adult diaper industry does not cater to IBS sufferers but mostly to folks who are incontinent. When I approached them as to why they don't look into this, their response was, "There isn't a large enough population who suffer from IBS." Really? This was Proctor and Gamble.

So if you suffer from IBS, there is hope. You don't have to take the pills that cause side effects that stink (no pun intended). You can keep it at bey with healthy eating and a holistic lifestyle.

Peace and Love,


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