Wednesday, April 30, 2014

We All Have Choices

My mom, who tends to have moments of being extremely wise, says the above statement when we discuss things we do and say. The funny part about this small quote is so strong and powerful.

Dr. Phil says this about choices:

It's often been said that life is a series of choices. Think about it. As you progress from one stage of your life to another, you make choices that have far-reaching implications.
You can think about life in different phases. First is dependency, when we rely on others to take care of us, to feed us, to clothe us. Then, you move into the preparation phase where you're getting yourself ready to do something with your life. Then, you move into the performance phase.

All of these phases are driven by choices. What you need to ask yourself is why you make the choices that you make.

Most choices are made out of fear — not need for achievement, not pride, but fear. One of the things that I want you to do is sit down and say, "What are the important choices that I'm making in my life, and what is the motive that drives each and every one of these choices?" That knowledge will be power.

How we choose to live our lives is so important. As I've stated, I've chosen to live my life with positivity and happiness. This doesn't mean I don't have days I get angry, upset, or sad, but it is up to me on how I deal with it. When someone cuts me off while driving, yea I get mad and probably say some unkind things; it's short-lived and done in a nano second. Why let it ruin your day? When it comes to sadness I've had my share. My father died in 2003, I've had to put down three dogs, my daughter moved away. I was sad on all three incidents but I don't wallow in it. I miss them all but I know their souls are around me with love. My daughter and I talk every day at least three or four times a day and she's always in my heart.

The other day I was talking to my dear friend Cindy. She and I were hiking and talking about mourning. Her husband died two years ago. She had her time of being sad but realized that's not what she wanted to to. She knows her husband is still around her and she talks to him all the time. She embraces happiness and knows her choice is to be happy and continue with life. I so admire her for this.  She went to a grief group one time and there were folks there who were still mourning the loss of a loved one for years and years. Are they losing their happiness while wallowing? Yes! We must live on! Grief must not take over our lives. I've had my share of grief and loss; I choose to embrace their memories and know they are around me with love.

All the choices we make will affect your life; good, bad, or indifferent. But the overall understanding is to realize they are YOUR CHOICES. I found this one blog which spelled out the 100 most important life choices. Some made me giggle but they're true ( We are all going to make some choices that don't get too many votes with family, choices of life or death, simple or complex; overall we make them for us. I know some I make aren't popular but I accept them as mine.

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